Your Best Chance Life Coach

Your Best Chance Life Coach

If you’re looking for ways to improve your life and make the most of opportunities, I can help. Personal Synergetics offers a personalised life coach service to help you get back on track. 

I have been a teacher, a life coach and personal consultant for over a 20 years with life experiences that range from interesting to traumatic. I fancy myself as an author, artist, and public speaker. I am the Creator of "Personal Synergetics", a helping people af all ages connect mind, body and spirit to achieve the life they'd love to live. I have a Masters in Divergent Learning; I am a certified Coach Training Alliance Coach and a Subconscious Restructuring Coach. Offering result-oriented and evidence-based life coaching.
Contact me through my booking form to help you work through your problems and look to the future, facing your challenges head on with renewed confidence.

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